Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Catching up

OK, I'm a bit behind on the blogging. With so much driving and activity with the Rally I haven't had much time, plus getting a good enough cell signal to upload any pictures has been challenging. Having said that, I don't really have any pertinent pics for this entry so maybe I''l try to find something non-related but neat in it's own way to entertain the three people who actually read these. We're actually back in the states (Texas) now and my US phone has good enough data to make this stuff work. I wrote a bunch of stuff while in Mexico and will post it starting here...

 <-- about the most universal bathroom sign I've ever seen.


The second day of the rally finds us still at the start, camping in Guanajuato. We had accomplished two challenges already, but at the cost of one of our vehicles.
Scott's Toyota wasn't happy, and only managed to barely limp back to the parking lot we were calling home the previous night. Scott and Eddie Diagnosed the problem, I ventured into the wilds of Guanajuato to try and find an auto parts store to supply us with a fuel pump. I brought my trusty assistant, Cara, and she was able to guide me to and from the parts store without difficulty. A fuel pump and some electrical  trickery and Scott's truck was running better than ever. We had to make another stop at the parts store on our way out of town, We finally hit the road at 3:30 pm.

Our journey took us south into Morelia on and unsucsesful chinese food hunt. We retreated out of town with our tails tucked between our legs, unable to provide ourselves with pork fried rice. It seems we're not the provideres we fancied ourselves to be. Google took us on another interesting and unnecesary scenic tour, and we were able to drive through most of the busiest and most congested streets of Morelia at 6pm.

 We met this fellow in the lobby at Migracion. We decided to leave before our number was called.

At about 7pm, I managed to miss a turn because of my unfamiliarity of road names and destinations. We spent 30 minutes figuring out that there was no easy way back onto the highway without backtracking, then we backtracked to the wrong turn. At this point we had ground our golden rule into dust. We promised ourselves we wouldn't drive after dark in Mexico. We charged on into the darkness. Near or about 11 pm we found what appeared to be an abandoned lot with a fence around it. This was where there was supposed to be a campground of some sort. We wandered around, drove down a bunch of streets, and couldn't find anything that looked like a campground. Finally we resorted to asking for directions. An admital of failure. There happened to be a guy parked right beside where we thought the campground should be sitting in his car. We asked him if he knew of any campgrounds in the area. After smashing ourselves into the language barrier for a while, he took pity upon us and led us to the entrance to the campground, some 300 yards away. Which was closed. A big set of locked doors. We found a doorbell button and pressed it a few times, then waited. Then we pushed it a few more times. Just before we gave up, we saw some flashlights bobbing around in the distance. Then the flashlights began galloping towards us. It looked like some sort of sci-fi movie from the 60's. Soon the galloping sci-fi monsters materialized into mexicans, and were very helpful and accommodating. One even spoke decent broken english, which is rare for a galloping 1960's sci-fi flashlight. We got lucky.

You can use your imagination for this one.

After getting settled Shane, Eddie and myself toured the establishment. We figured out that it was a water park, and the water was supplied via geothermal springs. It had a neverending supply of water heated in the biggest water heater in the world. The water heater was in fact, the whole world. Cool. We didn't go swimming, instead, we decided to go to bed about 2am.

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